Hello and welcome to the story of my life! I hope you enjoy reading it and perhaps gain some insight into who I am.
The purpose of this section of my website is simply to give you a history of my life up to this point. I want everyone who reads this to understand who I am.
When I was in college, I actually winced at the idea of doing self-portraits, which seemed like the first assignment in every drawing or painting class we had. As you will find out in this About Me section, I have struggled with my self-image and self-esteem a lot throughout the years. I’ve struggled with discovering who I am, and also suffered with various different degrees of depression along the way.
So then I’m sure you are wondering, “Why are you putting yourself up here for everyone to read? Why the self-portrait now?” The reason behind my website, besides actually learning how to build a website from scratch, is to put myself out there for all to see. I need to see how far I have grown, so this website is more for assessing my own personal growth.
It is my hope to inspire other geeks or depressed people out there who might not think that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that yes, indeed, you can pull yourself out of a dark hole. Hell, if I can do it, anyone can!
You may have noticed the subsections on this page. Each link has information about myself during the point in my life that it corresponds to. As I get older, I will probably be changing these heading and condensing some more information into different spots, so you may wish to check back on this site every once in awhile to see if anything has changed. Here is a brief summary of what each subsection is about:
THE EARLY YEARS - The early years is about my memories of my life prior to going to school. I do not remember a lot about it, so this page is short. Basically, I am giving you a glimpse into how my early years contributed towards building me into the person I am today.
THE SCHOOL YEARS - These are the years I went to school from kindergarten to graduation from high school. While I had issues with bullying, this page will mostly focus on other memories I have, as I have a whole section dedicated to bullying under Mell’s Hell.
THE COLLEGE YEARS - This is the first break away from being a kid, and how my history being bullying affected me in negative ways when I did go to college. I went to Medicine Hat College from 1995 to 1998. Some key decisions were made at this time as well.
THE ADULT YEARS - This will primarily focus on my career, the triumphs and the struggles. There were more key decisions made at this point in my life as well that I will let you know about.
MARRIAGE FAIL - In this section, I will describe my very brief marriage, including how I managed to get myself into this situation, and how I got myself out of it. I feel it is important to share with others, because perhaps my own experience may influence others not to make the same mistakes that I did.
TODAY & ONWARD - Of course, this is where I am now in my life, post-marriage, and what has happened in my life since. I will also outline some things I wish to work on, or desire to happen in my future here.
Please note: I will not be naming names of anyone in my family, friends, or even enemies on this site, as this is a personal site for me, and I do not wish to offend anyone by mentioning them here.