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Who Am I? - Part I - Body Types

I have finally managed to get around to completing the assessments in a self-help book I bought awhile ago, called Who Are You? 101 Ways of Seeing Yourself by Malcolm Godwin. I bought the book likely in the 1990s somewhere and just finally decided to get to it.

The following are my assessments for part I of the book, in case you were curious.

1. The Human Body

Race = Caucasion

I am neither confident with my race or feel I am unaccepted.

2. Body Type

Endomorph - Soft roundness over all the body and skin. Organs and digestive functions tend to dominate the body economy. Stores easily gained fat around the abdomen. Endomorphs have the smallest surface area relative to their mass, giving the least sensory exposure to external stimuli, and the smallest central nervous system, signifying less overall sensitivity. Their legs are often shorter than the torso and they have a heavy bone structure. Oriented toward imbibing the outside world.

  • Soft body, smooth skin

  • Underdeveloped muscles

  • Rounded shape

  • Overdeveloped digestive system

  • Difficulty in losing weight

3. Body-Mind Type


- Amiable and easy-going expression.

- Earthy, unhurried, deliberate, predictable, amiable, warm, generous, heavy, gluttonous, relaxed, habitual, realist, practical and with a tenacious grip on the phenomenal world.

- This is a person centered in the gut with a primary desire to assimilate the phenomenal and merge with it. As endomorphs live to eat, there is an inbuilt tendency to grow heavy if there is insufficient exercise. A need for confirmation of the tangible and the physical world is combined with an excellent spatial awareness and orientation.

  • Love of food

  • Tolerant

  • Evenness of emotions

  • Love of comfort

  • Sociable

  • Good humoured

  • Relaxed

  • Need for affection

  • Slot to anger

4. G-Factor Type

Score = 5

High G-Factor - Masculine facial features - harder, thicker and angular.

- Rectangular shoulders and strong arms, relatively long compared with the legs.

- Bones are large and developed.

- Narrow hips. The ribcage is wider, and the buttocks and lower abdomen are muscular. Low waist.

- Abundance of secondary hair, less pubic hair.

- Hardness and thickening of the subcutaneous quality of the whole body.

- Little breast formation.

- Muscularity of the thighs and lower leg.

- Square or wedge-shaped body

- Square shoulders, small breasts, muscular arms, low waist, muscular thighs.

5. Are You a Dragon or a Tiger?

- I have a Yin approach to life = Dragon

Yin = Night, winter, plant, moon, wet, low, valley, earth, slow, hollow, spirits, sugar, fruit, milk, spices, small intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder, stomach, large intestine.

6. Are You a Healthy Weight for Your Height?

BMI = 222 / 3,969 x 705 = 39.4

Morbid Obesity

7. How Do You Appear To Others?

  • Do you consider yourself overweight? Yes.

  • Do you feel you would be more attractive to the opposite sex if you were thinner? Yes.

  • Do you feel close to your ideal weight? No.

8. Fit or Mis-Fit?

Your physical attractiveness: 2 (rather unattractive, sometimes made fun of by your peers)

Your self acceptance and sense of worth: 2 (depressingly unworthy, useless, hopeless)

Happiness and delight: 2 (depressed, miserable, sad)

- I am influenced by how others perceive me.

9. The Divided Self

Right/Left Split = Right more developed - more masculine, assertive response to the world.

Head/Body Split = Body - a more emotional response from gut feelings.

Top/Bottom Split = Bottom - strong emotional foundation. Roots stable. Introspective, stability, privacy & groundedness.

Front/Back Split = Front - social, conscious of self - the “me”.

Torso/Limbs Split = Torso - powerful feelings and strong sense of being yet difficulty in expressing these.

10. Your Defensive Strategy

Oral - Characterised by tensions across the shoulder girdle and in the legs. There is likely to be a general slackness of muscle tone and this underdeveloped quality is mostly shown by thinness and lack of support in the legs. This body type shows a strong tendency in the muscular armour to “hold on” as if they are about to be abandoned. The dread of being left behind and the suffering of loneliness and isolation causes the oral person to cling unsatiably to “significant relationships”. This whole over-dependent strategy arises from a lack of support and nurturing during early life, with the consequent fear of being abandoned.

11. What Your Face Tells Others

Rounded = jovial, gentle, gluttonous, indecisive, frank, slow

Forehead Region = Knowledge and learning

  • Smallest - suggests poor memory, passivity and dreaming

Cheek Region = Development and Will

  • Highest - suggests perseverance, control, discipline, strong will

Jaw Region = Maturity and Integrity

  • Highest - suggests wisdom, self-reliance, integrity, independence

12. The Five Faces of Adam and Eve

Conical = The widths taper toward the top of the head.

- Practical, down-to-earth, realistic, jovial, lazy, comfort-loving, conservative, unimaginative, authoritarian, calculating, bon vivant (a person with refined tastes)

13. The Sevenfold Faces of the Siang Man

Earth - Truncated pyramid - tapering widths becoming larger at the base.

- Practical, determined, stubborn, resilient, demanding, workaholic, persistent, slow, achiever.

14. Elemental Hands - Four Basic Types

Earth - Short fingers, broad palm

- Wide palm with short fingers, strong shape with often simple lines

- Melancholic. Often coupled with the mesomorphic and endomorphic types.

- Masculine temperament.

- Practical, honest, physically hard-working, stable, orderly, tenacious, unimaginative, skeptical, habitual, enjoys doing and making things, and being physically productive.

- Astrological links with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

15. Which of the Seven Hands is Yours?

Elementary Hand - Clumsy, large palm, short fingers

- Short-tempered, violent, simple passions, non-intellectual, instinctive, often linked with simian hands (head and heart are one line). This means even more impulsive and if angered can be destructive. A person with this hand acts before she thinks and does not reflect on her behaviour. Extrovert and egotistical.

4 Fingers - Conical finger - long & sensitive, often very smooth

- Displays extreme intuition, and expression, linked to a strong design to communicate.

16. Which Planet Do You Belong To?

Venus - Prominent Mount of Venus, and Line of Fate. Often a small hand with a short thumb.

- Loving, vital and beautiful, tends to self-indulge.

- Friendly, popular, active, sexually attractive, has personal magnetism, enjoys beautiful things, an attractive environment, and especially the arts. Tends to follow the pleasure and beauty principle, often to the detriment of others.

17. In The Palm of Your Hand

Heart line = Originates between the fingers of Saturn and Jupiter

- Tolerant, practical, and common-sense view of love, sympathetic sensual

Head line = Originates touching the life line of slightly separated

- Cautious, mentally capable, spirited, independent. If touching the Lunar Mount, then strongly influenced by imagination and dreams.

My head rules my passions.

18. In Your Element

Earth - Responsible, practical, honest, slow, self-disciplined, hard-working, often to the point of being a workaholic. Over-objectivity can lead to being unimaginative, and lacking either romance or a sense of adventure. Craggy, nurturing, peaceful, balanced, stable and solid, immovable, sustaining, rooted.

19. How Do You Relate?

Wood (-) - Generous, self-confident, harmonious, compassionate, elegant, love of beauty, esthetic, dignified. Expansive yet having a tendency to take more on than can be managed. A temper that is difficult to control. Adaptable, shrewd, cunning, independent, need for freedom and movement. Forceful, bursting with energy, with a passion for growth, expansion and awakening.

Harmony and Discord on the Elemental Yin-Yang Board

20. Which Type Are You In Chinese Medicine?

Alchemist - Returning to the Source

- Discerning, purifying, distilling the essentials, defining, refining, concerned with esthetics, beauty, virtue and morals. Enjoys the discipline of order, ritual and ceremony.

- The archetype is Metal: symbolized by the letting go of Autumn, restraint, separation, elimination and a return to the Source.

- The body organ associated with the Alchemist is the lung, signifying transformation by the ᐃ organism taking a deep breath and then letting it go, expelling the “impure” air.

21. Choose Your Type From The Vedas

Pitta = Sun - Fire & Earth

- Related to the liver, the bile, the spleen, the heart and eyes.

22. What is Your Dosha Balance?

General Dosha Characteristics:


Energetic, charismatic, good appetite, warm, friendly, curious, organized, radiant skin, good digestion, enterprising


Stressed, time-conscious, task-oriented, irritable, stomach problems, hair loss, overly critical, too excitable, feels pressured.

Appropriate Foods For Each Dosha:


Cool food/drink, sweet tastes, bitter tastes, astringent tastes, cold, oily foods, regular meals, salads, rich foods.


Hot foods, hot drinks, pungent tastes, sour tastes, salty tastes, light, hot, dry food, infrequent meals, quick snacks, irregular meals.

Your Constitution Make-Up

Pitta dosha (Fire/Earth) is the principle of intensity, of fire, heat and passion. It is often expressed through hot-headedness and its major response to the world is through vision. It has a low tolerance for exposure to the sun. The physical type is well-proportioned, usually medium build and maintains weight easily. The hair is mostly straight, fair to red, prematurely graying or balding. When this dosha is out of balance, the type can be irritable, demanding, argumentative, and abrasive.

23. What is Your Humour?

Melancholic with slight Phlegmatic

Introverted and Fixed

- Quiet and often withdrawn, pessimistic, sad, reserved, thoughtful, brooding, inconsolable, sober, good retention especially about imagined wrongs, internal orientation.

Fire Sign = ᐃ

24. Revisit the Child

Melancholic - A sense of weightiness about the body with a feeling of quiet resignation gives melancholics the appearance of not quite being of this world. They are withdrawn, introspective, with an air of sadness and gloom. Self-centered and living in the past, they chew over real and imagined wrongs. Voracious readers or absorbed in computer games, they feel their egocentric view of the world with brooding fantasies in which they avenge imagined injuries. Intellectual, with a rich, imaginative life, this type is often happiest when miserable. They are prepared to sacrifice themselves for any cause that increases self-esteem.

25. How Do You Deal With Stress?

Phlegmatic - Slow, relaxed and methodical. Is resistant to stress but when overloaded tries to control and becomes inert, stubborn and rigid.

26. Which is Your Dominant Brain?

Type Number 3 - The Intellectual Brain

- You enjoy the delights of intellectual challenges, the world of ideas and of creative dreaming. You want to increase your knowledge and seek the truth and the meaning of existence. You do not trust your emotions, preferring logic and careful reasoning.

Man Number 3 (Hamlet) - The Head

- The Reasoning Intelligence, living in the head and in an environment of ideas. Using the reasoning powers of the mind, logical and strategic, mathematical, knowledgeable, mind-created experience.

27. Who Pushes Your Buttons?

Freeze & Flight

28. Which Hemisphere Do You Live In?

Right-Hemisphere dominated

- Non-verbal, spatial, analogic

- Holistic, synthetic

- Intuitive, sensuous

- Eastern Mysticism

29. The Keys To Your Element

Sagittarius - Fire - Mutable

Intuiting - Fire bring the element of myth into experience. This essentially inner world is often removed from the simple reality of a situation. Fire types are vital and spontaneous and often live in a rich fantasy world more attuned to the theatre than the farm. They need to experience life dramatically and significantly so their behaviours are exaggerated. The three types associated with fire are all colourful figures, full of mythological splendor and heroism. The type is often self-centred and self-absorbed, but is also warm, psychic and lively.

- Fire brings myth and drama to experience, relating them to an inner world of its own which reflects, but is often removed from, reality. Sagittarius adapts energy in order to explore. All have a problem with sensuality.

30. You and Your Shadow

Positive - Fire types are the flamboyant dramatists. They cannot help but exaggerate. They enhance their world of experience by creating a myth from it, for in truth many find the world dull and colourless. This need of some joy and drama motivates they type. Even the three signs associated with the element are mythic, heroic and full of vitality, spontaneity and play. The fire types are on a continual quest to reinvent themselves and this appears to be their path of self-discovery.

Negative - Fire has a problem in coping with the material world. It often sees it as drab and threatening. Imagination is the real life to fire types and there is a strong element of fantasy in their relationships. At worst this can produce physical illness or problems connected to feelings of inferiority over their sexuality. Sagittarians can be unreliable and exaggerated in their promises.

- Fire types have difficulties relating to the world.

- I am more on the Negative side.

31. Your Essence - The Sun Sign

Active, Mutable, fire

Positive – Optimistic, adventurous, extravagant, just, honest, happily disposed, stimulating, religious, boisterous.

Negative – Argumentative, impatient, fanatical, hot-headed, indulgent, tendency to preach, hides sadness.

32. Your House and The Persona

Planet: Jupiter - Optimism, luck.

Sun at noon

What do I know?

9th House - Your personal vision & philosophy


Descendant (slightly)

33. The Animal That Hides In Your Heart

Rabbit - 0500-0700

Positive – Diplomatic, happy, discreet, intuitive, tolerant, honest, prudent, attentive, caring.

Negative – Superficial, pedantic, snobbish, moody, cunning, sentimental.

34. How To Tell Friend From Foe

The Rabbit, The Sheep and The Bear - 4th Triangle

- They are guided by their senses and emotions. Peaceful, loving, intuitive and compassionate, they tend to adapt to the energy and drives of the other more assertive and aggressive signs.

Foe = Rooster


35. Body/Mind Identity Kit

- I am mostly a Thinking (9), with high tendencies towards Feeling (6), & Unstable (6)

- Melancholic – moody, anxious, rigid, sober, pessimistic, reserved, quiet, unsociable.

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