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Who Am I? - Part II - Feeling Types

These are the responses for Part II:

36. Do Your Emotions Rule You?

I have a definite tendency to be ruled by my emotions.

37. Are You In Touch With Your Emotions?

I am well in touch with my feelings and emotions. I am not more emotional than most.

38. Are You Trapped or Free?


  • Chocolate

  • Pepsi

  • Sugar

  • Writing

  • Golfing

  • Lucy purring/cuddling

  • Fantasizing

  • Listening to music

  • Singing along to music

  • Going to geek conventions

  • Facebook

  • Video games

  • Watching movies/TV

  • Self-help books

  • Food

  • Playing with Lucy


  • Financial problems

  • Job issues

  • Past memories

  • Being lonely

  • Being bored

  • Having no friends

  • Having no plans on weekends/holidays

  • Having no social life

  • Dealing with difficult people

  • Fear of heights

  • Fear of bees, wasps, etc.

  • Weight

  • Job becomes too routine/not creative

  • Worries about politics/environment

I am slightly more free according to these lists, but seldom do I feel free.

39. How Joyful Are You?

My amygdala is not quite working but close (8).

I am not joyful and no dopamine.

40. The Ebb and Flow of Dopamine Tides

I am strongly influenced by the ebb and flow of my powerful dopamine tides.

41. Are You Phobic?

I have normal fears/anxiety.

42. Which Mary Are You?

The Maiden - The innocent girl-child who is almost indistinguishable from the boy-child.

- Her aspirations are a quest for knowledge and discovery. Free of any responsibilities and of the moon’s tides, she relates easily to the male world. She is fiercely independent in her thinking and is steadfastly unattached. Sex is at most an exciting and romantic idea, yes has no emotional, or overpowering life charge. Idealized roles, a strong ambition, independence, the power of the shamaness, and the potency of accomplishment make this type’s dreams.

43. The Goddess Wheel

Artemis - Inward looking/pre-menstrual

- The antithesis of the man-made world of Athene, Artemis is the goddess of untamed nature. She is concerned with the instinctual blood nature of the life-cycle; she is the shamaness of the physical world. Artemis embodies feeling through the moon and natural instinct.

44. Who Is Your Inner Partner?

Apollo - Has such a powerful male energy that she seldom needs and complementary relationship of interdependence. She does, however, enjoy a male companion who respects her need for independence and freedom. Often sexually reticent, she requires a man to be reserved and patient. Animus ~ A friend, companion or brother figure like Apollo.

45. Eye of the Womb

Nymph, Menstrual Life-Relating (outward orientation) - Preoccupation with a profession, career, knowledge, intellect, relating to the patriarchal world. Fascinated with the man-made world of the city. Independent, sees menstruation as a necessary ill but is resistant to it. Puts career before family life, is ambitious, a female bachelor, sexually independent, and seeks friendships rather than shared bonding. Sees the body as a desirable object to adorn and be adorned.

47. Courtesan ~ The Indulger

I almost have a strong element of Courtesan in my make up, if I had 2 more even no’s.

The over-compliant Courtesan - moving towards others - typifies the first three emotional defense mechanisms.

48. Warrior ~ In Pursuit of Power

The controlling Warrior moves against the world.

I am not a warrior.

49. Observer ~ The Non-Involved

The anxious Observer avoids involvement with the world.

I am not an observer

50. Indifference and Compassion

Neither scored a 7, so I am not indifferent or compassionate.

51. Are You an Extrovert or an Introvert?

I am introverted

I am melancholic (unstable) - moody, anxious, rigid, sober, pessimistic, reserved, quiet, unsociable, feeling (establishes its intrinsic value) and intuitive (questions where it has come from and where it is going).

52. Are You Stable?

Almost scored a 20, meaning that not only am I introspective, and probably melancholic, but also that I have a tendency to be somewhat unbalanced in my attitudes and behaviour. But take heart, the higher scores are more common than the lower.

53. How Well Do You Cope With Emotional Stress?

If you score 15-24 you would have survived as an elder tribesperson 35,000 years ago, but today you are probably living in an almost chronic state of anxiety.

54. Do Your Clouds Have Silver Linings?

Almost 16 no = You would do well to take stock of why you are so pessimistic and what can be done about it.

55. Do You Plead Guilty or Not Guilty?

I am somewhat programmed and my emotional centre to feel guilty (if I scored 16 yeses).

56. How Good Are You At Letting Go?

Answering yes to more than 6 but less than 16 of the questions suggests you balance the two extremes quite well, however was 1 away from a tendency to hold onto things, and probably have a strong desire to be in control of events. I seem to find it very difficult to let my hair down and allow myself to go a bit crazy. And I probably like gold!

57. Are You a Romantic?

A positive answer for 10-20 of the questions pictures you as a truly incurable romantic.

58. Are You a Sensualist?

Answering no to more than 10 questions shows the strong male-oriented and assertive tendency associated with the action of the amygdala.

59. Are You Imaginative?

I am neither imaginative or pragmatic.

60. Do You Think With Your Feelings?

I neither think with my feelings nor am out of touch with my emotions.

61. Trust in God But Tether Your Camel?

I am sharper in my judgements, clearer when dealing with used car salesmen, but a little on the indifferent side when it comes to strong emotions.

62. Entering the Darkroom?

If you answer yes to 4 or more odd numbered questions, I am open to my emotions and are generally trusting. Answering yes to 4 or more even questions suggests I keep my feelings at a distance. Neither is right or wrong. Only when an attitude becomes obsessively rigid and inflexible should the alarm bells start ringing.

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