Who Am I? - Part III - Thinking Types
Here are the results of the fourth part of the series, Thinking Types:
64. Verbal Reasoning
Scored: 17 – 1 away from being good with words.
65. Perceptual Reasoning
Scored: 11 – I am good at perceptually-based situations.
66. Mechanical Reasoning
Scored: 8 – I could dismantle a carburetor and are likely to be male.
Holy misogyny, Batman!
67. Reasoning in Space
Scored: 2 (with 7 possibles as there were more than 1 answer)
I am not good at spatial sense.
68. Numerical Reasoning
Scored: 7 – I am not adequate at calculating my small change.
69. How Good Are You At Analysis?
Scored: 16 – More than average ability to analyze situations clearly.
70. Are You Doing What You Do Best?
Good At – perceptually-based situations, analysis
Excellent At – mechanical reasoning
Technical Reasoning – The ability to respond to objects and situations within the changing environment in practical and direct ways.
Analytical Reasoning – The ability to think logically, making meaningful connections, organizing structures and strategies from seemingly chaotic information.
Perceptual Reasoning – The ability to think in abstract symbols and ideas.
Thinking in Technical and Analytical Ways – The ability to think in the most practical yet analytical way ~ information technicians, quality controllers, programmers, construction consultants, mechanical engineers, mechanics.
Thinking in Perceptual and Technical Ways – The ability to bring theory into practice ~ inventors, laboratory technicians, engineers, applied arts and sciences.Thinking in Perceptual and Analytical Ways – The ability to think critically in abstract theory ~ all aspects of pure science, philosophy, the understanding of underlying reasons for the way things are.
71. Do You Think Like a Male or a Female?
I think more like a female.
72. Who Are You At Work?
I am a Reviewer and a Director
73. How Do You Function Within the Corporate Body?
I am The Maker
74. How Do You Relate to the Outer World?
I am more of a socializer, although all are pretty much even. I am average.
75. Assess Your Enneagram Type
Type B
Positive Aspects – creative, inspired, intuitive, humourous, emotional, romantic, artistic, imaginative, introspective, a dreamer, self-absorbed
Negative Aspects – moody, effete, melancholy, self-pitying, alienated, depressed, self-destructive, despairing, precious, self-indulgent
B = 4 - The Artist – Envy, emotional, creative, expressive, masochistic, melancholic, dreamy. Needs to understand and express the self and its powerful feelings; to creatively manifest strong emotional responses to the world.
76. The Enneagram
Positive – Artist > Judge > Opportunist > Observer > Chief > Helper
Negative – Artist > Helper > Chief > Observer > Opportunist > Judge
I am in the feeling type.
I’m moving between points.
77. Are You A Material Type?
I am more of a Type 2.
The Helper, Planner, Shaper, Egocentric Giver
Fixation – Pride and flattery; they need others to depend on them.
Virtue – Humility and unconditional generosity.
Focus – Enjoys planning for the future, for a better world. Love of beauty and art. Focused on others. Being sensitive to others’ feelings and needs but feeling that they are not loved for themselves. Fearing this, they spend their lives trying to make people love them by doing things to gain approval. They prefer to give rather than receive, and although they appear to be independent and have no needs of their own, they are actually focused around relationships.
Childhood Background – In childhood the type learned to become acutely aware of all of the subtlest clues of the most important adults, either over-dominant or needy parents. They found that in order to be loved they had to meet the needs of others.
Aware Attention and Integration route toward healing and health – Sensitive to others’ feelings, cheerful and energetic, giving for the sake of giving, altruistic and caring, unselfish and future oriented with a clear view of what is beautiful and practical.
Neurotic and Unconscious Tendency route to disintegration – Self-sacrificing intrusives who complain that no one ever appreciates them. Smothering and manipulative. Only giving in order to get something in return. Moving toward point 8 brings a tendency to become dominating, irritable, calculating with the smoldering resentment that becomes open anger.
78. Are You a Heart Type?
I am more of a Type 5.
The Observer, Thinker, Sufferer, Spectator.
Fixation – Avarice and stinginess; need for privacy and time.
Virtue – Non-attachment and omniscience; experiential knowing.
Focus – The withdrawn thinker who suffers from the purposelessness of the world. A visionary and over-viewer, an original thinker who is both insightful and perceptive, who wants to understand the environment, yet needs to find a way of defending herself against the potential threats in it. Has the capacity to heal, yet cannot really act.
Childhood Background – In dealing with what is perceived as a threatening world the child withdraws into an imaginative realm where there is safety. In order to avoid pain she creates a distance from emotions. Is in a state of constant alertness about the environment in order to foresee events and talk defensive action against threats. Becomes a watcher through a peephole in the fence.
Aware Attention and Integration route toward healing and health – Assumes a detached point of view while acting in the world. Movement toward number 8 brings the ability to act and trust in the environment. Acquires courage to act out her profound understandings.
Neurotic and Unconscious Tendency route to disintegration – Withdrawn from the world and action. Becomes a recluse who is isolated from reality. If this type moves toward number 7 to act, she becomes impulsive, erratic and hysterical. Tends to become paranoid with strange ideas and manic activity to divert the anxiety.
79. Are You a Thinking Type?
I am not a thinking type.
80. How Did You Learn?
Intrapersonal Intelligence – This is the essentially private intelligence that does not need the interaction of others to realize its aspirations and goals. You are probably somewhat of a loner, preferring to pursue your own interests and ideas. Most likely you do not enjoy shared activities and are often accused of living in a world of your own. You have a strong sense of your own independent worth, and exhibit certain intuitive skills that border on the psychic. This deep sense of self-worth means that you do especially well on your own; you are a self-starter who, when following through, would ask questions and gain personal experience. You are highly individual in your dress, you behaviour, general attitudes and eccentricities. You will have strong opinions, especially on controversial subjects, and usually experiential wisdom and integrity that can back those opinions. You learn best through indirect support, while being essentially left to your own agenda, preferring to learn by experience rather than through the words of others.
81. What is Your Type of Humour?
I enjoy both satirical and sexual jokes.