To read or not to read, that is the question
I've long been interested in tarot cards, and in a particular deck called Osho Zen Tarot cards.

I discovered the deck in college. My roommate introduced it to me and it was extremely eye-opening. It helped me transform myself into a more positive and introspective person.
Before the deck, I was brought up to be very pessimistic about life. When you are faced with a decision, the worst-case scenario is the likely scenario. This deck helped me realize what the aspects of myself that are very destructive are and how to go about changing that. It is why I have a blind faith that everything will work out now.
Some people find it hard to deal with my "it'll all work out" attitude and wonder how I managed to get it. It took quite a few readings of this deck and understanding how the book interpretations matched my inner most thoughts.
This deck focuses much more on you—in the here and now. It doesn't predict the future. It doesn't tell you about your past or past lives. It helps you understand what is going on in your life right now and what you could do to correct it. It allows you to live in the moment. It focuses on the many teachings of Osho, a person I've grown to love and admire over the years. He is a zen master.
I know there are times I find myself getting depressed, as many of my previous blog entries has confirmed. I have to convince myself that when I feel this way, I need to pick up the deck and do a reading.
I've been using the deck for roughly 17 years. I still read the book to get the insights, but after I get the descriptions, I think "how does this apply to me" and use my intuition to see how it influences me.
Recently, that same college roommate has come to visit me again. She is starting to convince me that I don't need the book anymore. I have incredible intuition and can focus on what the cards mean.
This has made me wonder if I'm ready to begin a new chapter in my life and start becoming a professional part-time tarot card reader. I love using this deck and love helping people, but seldomly have I done readings for others. I should probably do a reading on this question to see what the tarot tells me... Haha!
I think I still want to read the parts of the book that I haven't quite mastered yet. For instance, I usually do one type of reading. I need to learn the other types of readings and master those spreads.
I know I have helped some people with this deck in my family somewhat. I would definitely appreciate any insights into that from those I have given readings to.
Also, extra money would definitely be a bonus.
Well, I suppose that is all I have to say about that right now. I'm flirting with an idea for a website now for this as a business.
Thanks for reading, for those who do.