A very strange dream last night
Lately I have been having rather weird and vivid dreams. I blame it on the anti-depressant, personally, as that is apparently a side-affect of the drug I am using. Most of the time I can't recall the dreams, but wake up with a "what the fuck was that?" feeling.
A few weeks ago, I had this very active dream night, where I went into dream after dream after dream. I can't remember what context the dreams had themselves, but had a message in my mind upon waking up, that went sort of as follows:
Love is more powerful than hate, and it is so much easier. Hate comes from somewhere external. You have to constantly feed it for it to grow in you and it also takes a lot of energy out of yourself. Love comes from deep within you. It starts as a seed or spark at the centre of your being. All it requires for it to grow is to let go of anger and hate and nourish it. Forgive those who harm you, for they have not allowed love to grow within themselves. If you continue to dwell on it, you continue to feed it. Love takes very little effort or energy. It is inside everyone. If one truly wants peace, continue to love everyone, especially those who have harmed you. All they know is hate and want to continue to battle. They have no idea how to respond to love. When you show them how easy it is, they too will embrace it.
Yeah, I know, very hippy, new age-ish. But it is what it is.
Last night's dream was more of the "what the fuck was that?!!" variety. I can remember it very clearly and will try to describe it as best as I can.
It starts off that there is a SuperBowl coming up. (For the record, I really don't give a flying crap about football, so I don't know why this became the subject for the dream.)
Madonna has been slated as being the half-time show, and there was a contest to win a trip to the SuperBowl to meet Madonna in person. I entered the contest and won.
For some odd reason, the only team I recall being in this SuperBowl was the Washington Redskins. I don't know why. Maybe political? I did make the remark, "Isn't their very name racist?" in the dream. I don't even know if they are contenders or whatnot because again I don't give a flying crap about football.
Anyways, I wasn't at all interested in the game, but the chance to meet Madonna backstage became the focus of my trip to the SuperBowl. They lead me into a room that resembled an elementary school classroom, and she was sitting there alone in the room. She appeared to be the 1980s Material Girl version of Madonna in this dream.
Side note: This imagery of a classroom and this version of Madonna might be part of the message of this twisted dream to me. When I was in elementary school, Madonna was by far my favourite artist. So I'm sure there's something in this part of the dream that's supposed to show me something about my past, but I still have to figure out why.
Anyhoo, I'm super nervous to be meeting Madonna in person, and I don't even want to look at her because there's that Wayne's World "I'm not worthy!" moment here. She looks at me and nods her head up and says, "What's up?"
I smiled sheepishly. I was trying to figure out what to say to her. Suddenly fangirl shows up and I squeal, "Oh my God! I am, like, your biggest fan!!" (In reality, I am not. I haven't really been fond of her since the Like A Prayer album.)
She looks at me as though she doesn't believe me or even believe I've heard of her, and asked me, "Oh yeah? What's your favourite album?"
I say, "Like A Prayer. I love that whole album! It's just awesome!" (This part is actually true. I do love that album.)
I seemed to have won her over, and she smiled and said, "Cool" in the Madonna way she says cool.
At this point, she and I sort of become besties. She decides to hang out with me and we go to watch the "football game." I use quotes because it wasn't even close to a football game. This is the part of the dream that really gets non-sensical.
Some player from the Washington Redskins gets the ball and runs down a field. The field winds up overlooking a cliff, and you can clearly see a patch of field down below about 20 feet or so, with the goal post thing near the centre. The player then hooks himself up to this sort of white rectangular box thing, pulls a lever, and zips over the cliff to the other field like a sort of crane gadget of some kind. It might be important to note there seem to be no other players playing in the game, as no one is chasing him.
Almost as if by magic, Madonna and I pop up on the lower field. The football game has now changed to a golf game. A player stands on top of the higher field and whacks the ball. It rolls just past the hole and stops less than 2 meters away from the hole. Both Madonna and I seem impressed that it was such a good hit. Again, she and I are besties at this point.
The golfer comes down, but had a football helmet on, and took off the helmet to reveal he is a very handsome guy with medium length hair that looks brown but has been sunbleached blonde. It's almost like the scene in Shrek when the Prince removes his helmet to reveal his "long and beautiful hair", which also makes me realize that is sort of what he looked like, only in person (not animated). The three of us seem to be getting along alright as though we are all good friends.
We walk off the golf field and head back to the school where the classroom was where I met Madonna. The golfer seems to have changed into a completely different looking guy, not all that attractive or anything. A redheaded girl (no one I know of) comes around the corner, kisses him, and puts his arm around him, and gives me this look like, "he's mine!" I shrugged, because I didn't care one way or the other. I wasn't into him, I guess.
The golfer goes into the room ahead of us. The girl tries to warn me to stay away from him, to which Madonna laughs hysterically, "Yeah, I get the feeling she's not that into him anyway." I politely laugh, as I don't want the girl to think I find the guy unattractive but at the same time I didn't want her to think I'd steal the guy away from her either. I was trying not to hurt anyone's feelings.
We go into the classroom, and the guy is in there with a different girl, blonde (and again no one I know of), who is basically flirting with the guy. The redheaded girl gives a look of fury towards the girl, and Madonna and I both look at each other like "are we missing something here?"
Madonna says to me, "This could get ugly..." I seem to be wanting to stick around because I want to support the redheaded girl in this, as for some odd reason I really didn't like the blonde girl.
However, before anything could happen next, my phone alarm rang and woke me up.
So yeah, I'm left wondering what the fuck that dream was about and why my brain is doing such weird things as of late. I do find some significance to the school and Madonna from the 1980s era though. As I typed her description and the fact that we met in a classroom above, I felt like I was close to a "bing!" moment.
When I was first interested in Madonna was around the same time I moved to Strathmore. The school and classroom might have even been the school I went to when I moved there, though I don't know for certain as I can't visually remember the classroom itself, but hey, your subconscious mind is capable of remembering things you can't recall. It was about the time that I failed grade 4 that I got interested in Madonna, and also the same time I suddenly became an outcast.
I'm sure there's some significance there. I have to give it more thought in the context of the other dream elements also. But for now, I felt it necessary to write this dream down while it was still fresh in my mind, as later on I might not remember it at all.
If anyone is interested in dream interpretations or the like and have some insights into this dream imagery, I would appreciate hearing about it. I always love to hear what other people's thoughts are on the subject. Dream interpretations, to me, is trying to find a way to understand what your subconcious is trying to tell you. So, people, what is my subconscious trying to tell me?