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An update about life and stuff

Hello all! I know it's been awhile since I last wrote an entry. My last post was during the time I lost my beloved Lucy and things kind of went crazy after that. I allowed myself to go through the grieving process.

I had some classes to take for the diabetes diagnosis, getting educated about it and so forth. I also started working out and trying to eat better as often as I can, to the Richard Simmons' Project H.O.P.E. program. I'm already on exercise DVD #2, and find it very challenging. I wound up having to spend the big bucks on getting comfortable exercise shoes from Sport Chek because my shin splints were killing me with all the knee raises and cha-cha-chas. I am now on week 6 of the DVD. I could be better at the diet thing, but exercise has now become a mandatory thing for me. I think it also helps that it is the summer months and not a lot of shows are on TV to distract me from exercising.

Every once in awhile, I would find myself looking at the SPCA website to see what's available for cats. I had previously decided I was going to get another cat after I got through the first 13 weeks of the DVD exercise regiment, as a reward for accomplishing it. I definitely need to have the companionship of another cat in my life.

Last Friday afternoon, while I was trying to avoid working at work, I found myself again on the SPCA site and spotted a lovely black cat, with golden eyes. Her image and description captivated me immediately. I thought to myself, "If I get this cat, I would call her Diana after Wonder Woman, because that black fur and golden eyes reminded me of Wonder Woman's black hair, and golden lasso."

I thought about it left and right. Was I ready to get another cat again? Should I still wait it out for the exercise program to complete it's first round? Would this be a distraction from my weight loss efforts? I kept looking at her image and finally decided I just had to visit her and find out. So I looked at the visiting hours and noticed it was closing at 5:30, but was on the way home and fairly close. I went in to see if I could see her, and possibly get her.

I couldn't see her that day because apparently a new cat had decided to hide in a place and was freaking out, so they decided to leave them all alone. I mentioned I wanted to see a specific cat, who they named Madonna. They told me that another couple had inquired about her earlier in the day as well, but also could not see her. I was told to call back as soon as they opened on Saturday, which is at noon. I also filled out an application form. I guess I had decided I wanted this cat.

After a night filled with dreams about getting this cat, I got up on Saturday morning determined that I would get her. I bought a new collar for her, bought some new kitty supplies as well as groceries. I called at noon as I was instructed to do, only to discover that that other couple had just showed up to see her. That really pissed me off. If I had known I could have just showed up at noon, I would have. I was hoping that somehow they would not accept her, though I couldn't see how, as she was so freaking cute. I was so scared they would take her before I could see her, that it sent me into a mini-anxiety panic.

I went in at around 12:30, trying to send positive thoughts into the Universe as best as I could. Luckily, she was still there, because the other couple had thought she was too skittish for their liking. She was a tiny cat. I thought from her photo on the website that she was much larger than she actually was in real life. I mean, she's 8 months old and is smaller than Lucy was when I first got her at 5 months, and I thought Lucy was tiny. She's almost pure black, with just a small white tuft of fur on her throat. And those golden eyes are just as amazing as they were in the photos.

I went into the kitty room to see her. We played with one of those balls in a circular tube track gadgets. I petted her and she rubbed her head against my hand, curling over into a ball on the floor. The lady there asked me if I wanted to take her home today, and I said, "Oh yes, absolutely!" After all, I like skittish. LOL

So now I have a new cat! She was a little nervous at first as she sniffed around my place and bobbed her head back and forth for the first day. It's also very difficult to take pictures of her because she moves her head around a lot. I have named her Princess Diana of Themyscira. So far, her nicknames are Princess, My Little Warrior Princess, Sweetie, Gorgeous, and Black Beauty (for the movie about the horse).

I am delighted to have another cat in my life. I'm also still exercising regularly. At first, Diana always thinks I'm trying to play with her, so my first steps are more cautious because she's sticking close to me at all times, but then she realizes I'm running around like a crazy person and leaves me alone. Her favourite spot in the house right now seems to be the back of the couch where I usually sit to watch TV.

I thought I would update everyone about what is going on these days. I've been keeping busy and have a new cutie-pie to share my life with. I couldn't be happier.

Thanks for reading, for those who do.

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