Losing the battle
I admit it. I’m feeling very much like I’m losing the war against the depression beast. I feel like all my armies have been wiped out and...
My issues...
Hey all. I know it's been quite a long time since I've written a blog post. I felt like doing so today, as there is a bit of a lull in my...
2020... What a time to be alive!
I know... The year is still starting as it's only May, but wow. This year has turned into a gong show because of the COVID-19 issue....
New Year, New Me?
Hey... Yeah, last half of the year 2019 sort of wound up being a crap show. My mood drastically went down, depression took over, I began...
Stop doing that sh*t
For anyone who‘s ever read my blog knows, i’ve Been struggling a lot with this so-called life. I go through some ups once in awhile, but...
If it's broken, fix it!
Wow... Has it ever been a long time since I wrote a blog post. Currently I'm at work, and probably shouldn't be doing this, but there is...
I am feeling very depressed still. I had a falling out with a friend I've had since college fairly recently. It has hurt me badly... Here...

Devastatingly Painful Depression
When I got home from work on Monday, I had a phone message on my answering machine. It was the receptionist from my doctor's office....
I'm still alive, sort of...
I just realized that I haven't posted a blog post since August of last year. I thought it would be a good idea to do this now, as quite a...
An update on life, such as it is
I know it's been awhile since I have written anything. Things have been chaotic at times, and boring at other times. I haven't quite...