More harm than good
I had my first psychologist meeting a week ago. It went well, though the price certainly made my eyes pop out of my head. He recommended...
The more I get into the idea of the Maladaptive Daydreaming, the more I am certain this is the problem that I have. I have also realized...
Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing! We have a winner!
I've been doing a lot of thinking since my last post. I constantly get myself into bouts of depression and sometimes find myself feeling...
This same time last year I went into a huge depression that lasted the whole month of August and caused a deep, swirling pain in my solar...
It's been a long time...
Hello all. I know it's been awhile since I've written anything here. I wish I could say I've been too busy... I haven't been. I've been...
Last week, while I was away on vacation, the news of one of the largest mass shootings in American history hit the airwaves. I have...
Wow. Was today ever the most boring day that I can remember in a long time. I got up. Ate. Poured Liquid Plumber down the bathroom sink...
The Stress Monster
As I seem quite capable of keeping the Depression Beast at bay for the time being, its little sister the Stress Monster has crept in. I...
But I'm feeling much better now
If anyone of my friends know me well enough, you'd know that quote comes from one of my all-time favourite sitcoms of all time Night's...

When life gives you lemons...
How many people have heard that phrase? Probably everyone. My ending to that sentence is "When life gives you lemons, squeeze them dry!"...