I seem to go through rollercoaster like emotional tides all the time these days. In July, my motivation to lose weight was at an all-time...
Ramping it up!
I have decided to participate in a meet-up group for a 90 day weight loss program. Last Monday we had our first meeting where an expert...
My name is Mell and I'm powerless over my emotions
Suddenly, things have not quite been as rosy as my last post indicated. For awhile there, things were starting to look up. I continue to...
Things are starting to look up
Okay, I admit it. My mood has greatly improved as of late. I have finally found that bounce in my step that seems to have disappeared...
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing...
This song is in my head now, as this week I am listening to the only Pet Shop Boys album I have in my car, which is Very Relentless....
Hey all. I know, I know... It's been too long since I wrote last, so I will try to update everyone on what's been happening. As I stated...
Problems as of late...
I know it has been awhile since I posted a blog entry, not that anyone actually reads my website or anything, but yeah, I do need to sort...
The Weight Management Plan
Hello all! I slated September 1st as my start day for the weight loss journey, although honestly I got a little ambitious and started the...
August has been crazy
We were supposed to be getting good luck this August, as a rare 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays have hit us. With one exception, it...
I eat...
Yeah, once again I have found myself get completely off of the track when it comes to my battle of the bulge, or weight loss efforts. I...