Who Am I? - Part IV - Spiritual Types
Here are the results of the fourth part: 82. You And The Other You Left eye = right hemisphere I am a sphere of consciousness A. 83. Are...
Who Am I? - Part III - Thinking Types
Here are the results of the fourth part of the series, Thinking Types: 64. Verbal Reasoning Scored: 17 – 1 away from being good with...
Who Am I? - Part II - Feeling Types
These are the responses for Part II: 36. Do Your Emotions Rule You? I have a definite tendency to be ruled by my emotions. 37. Are You In...
Who Am I? - Part I - Body Types
I have finally managed to get around to completing the assessments in a self-help book I bought awhile ago, called Who Are You? 101 Ways...
I am finding myself once again feeling very much like I don't have a direction in life at all. I am just living day to day, paycheque to...
20 years!
Tomorrow will mark exactly 20 years since I attended the graduation from my high school. 20 years! Man, that makes me feel old. I have...
What will it take?
Here I am, on the last weekend before I return to work from a full week off of work. I feel absolutely worthless. It is a weird thing to...
About This Page
This is where I will be putting my personal Blog. On here, will be daily stories about my life, how I am doing, what struggles or...