The quest for meaning
Well, here I am, at 40 years old, and I still find myself struggling with what I want my life to be. Don't get me wrong. There are some...
Do you ever find yourself laying awake in bed at the end of the day and your mind starts racing? Sometimes you go over the events of the...
A very strange dream last night
Lately I have been having rather weird and vivid dreams. I blame it on the anti-depressant, personally, as that is apparently a...
Out with the old, in with the new
Another birthday has come and gone now. It was a birthday I was dreading for about two years: THE BIG 40. Yes, for exactly two years...
8 years
Today marks the 8 year anniversary of the date that I made the move from Edmonton, Alberta to the Metro Vancouver region. It is weird how...

To read or not to read, that is the question
I've long been interested in tarot cards, and in a particular deck called Osho Zen Tarot cards. I discovered the deck in college. My...
Life and death
Today is a very weird day. I haven't written about this before on my blog, but last week we wound up losing a co-worker at my work, who...
A new day
Sometimes it gets really hard to concentrate on work, especially when things don't go well. I notice whenever the creative director goes...
An update on me
Hello all! I know, it's been way too long since I've written a post, so I thought I would try to write one. I really don't have much of a...
As my last blog post indicated, I have been struggling all of August with depression. It seemed like every day it was worse than the day...